Hoop Of Fire | Elton John | Supertesti.it

Hoop Of Fire

Testo Hoop Of Fire

You say that all you want are the simple things
Long walks on lonely beaches, guitars with nylon strings
But underneath you‘d rather leap through a hoop of fire
You shy away from lips that want, that want to kiss you
Tongue-tied on formal evenings, wealth don‘t impress you
But if you ask me you like the heat in a hoop of fire

And it‘s hard to read just how you feel or what your dreams desire
Your pulse that races when I‘m close reads like a hoop of fire
Your pulse that races when I‘m close reads like a hoop of fire

No late nights making love in secret places
You feel pressure all around you, mistrust in strangers faces
But don‘t pretend you wouldn‘t spend some time in a hoop of fire

But don‘t pretend you wouldn‘t spend some time in a hoop of fire

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